divendres, 24 de gener del 2014


Paint per dub-psychosis a http://www.deviantart.com

Us contaré una història de pintures i collars... de les que naixen als inferns. 

A la música Brandi Carlile. Veu... lletra... ho té tot. Més que recomanable:

I took a tie from around my neck
And gave my heart to you.
I sent my love accross the sea
And though I didn't cry
That voice will haunt my every dream
Until the day I die. 



I dug a hole inside my heart
To put you in your grave.
At this point it was you and me,
And mama didn't raise no slave.
You took my face in both your hands
And looked me in the eye
And I went down with such a force
That in your grave I lie.

Brandi Carlile

La paràlisi és foradar
cadascun dels inventats instants
abillar-los a l’empar de versos
per fer-ne un collar secret.
Un que ralentitze tot
mentre el món avança...
I tu t’ho perds.

Hui l’he llançat al fem.
Portava un nom escrit.
I m’he sentit nua.
Acrílicament devastada.

12/10/13 – 21/12/13 – 24/1/14

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